Asian (Pacific) Table Tennis Veteran Union

2019 13th “Asian Cup” Veteran Table Tennis Championships - TAIPEI CITY

发表时间:2019-04-07 22:55

2019 13th “Asian Cup” Veteran Table Tennis Championships
5 – 8 December 2019
Total prize USD10,000.00

1. Organized by :
Taiwan Veteran Table Tennis Association

2. Supported by :
Asian (Pacific) Table Tennis Veteran Union

3. Date :
4th Dec, 2019 Accreditation and Team leaders meeting 19:00
5 - 8 Dec,2019 Competition
7 Dec, 2019 19:00 Gala Dinner

4. Venue
Taipei Gymnasium
No.10 Section 4, Nanjing East Road, Songshan District, Taipei, 10553, Taiwan

5. Eligibility
The tournament is open to all individuals who are 40 years of age and above from all over the world.

6. Events and Age Categories
6.1 Men and Women’s Team & Singles Ages 40 - 49
6.2 Men and Women’s Team & Singles Ages 50 - 59
6.3 Men and Women’s Team & Singles Ages 60 - 69
6.4 Men and Women’s Team & Singles Ages 70 - 79
6.5 Men team & single Ages 80 and above


Please download pdf files
2019 Asia Cup Taipei City Prospectus

2019 Asian Cup Entry Form

亞洲(太平洋)乒乓宿將聯會 ATTVU
傳真 FAX:+00852-2308-1200
联系邮箱 Email:attvuhk@yahoo.com