致所有球友 To all my fellow players发表时间:2023-05-26 15:50来源:attve.com 所有球友, 现在2023年第十四屇“亚洲”乒乓元老锦标赛已经开始接受报名了。大家可以下载相关章程及报名申请表。填写申请并向本地区的联络人报名啦。 所有球友, 現在2023年第十四屇“亞洲”乒乓元老錦標賽已經開始接受報名了。大家可以下載相關章程及報名申請表。填寫申請並向本地區的聯絡人報名啦。 To all my fellow players, And now, the 14th and pull in names of the "Asian" Table Tennis Seniors Championships in 2023 has begun to accept entries. You can download the charter and application form. Fill out the application and sign up with your local contact.